USG Plant

Aliquippa, PA

Owner - United States Gypsum Co.
Contractor - BE&K Constructors
Geotechnical Engineer - Ground Engineering Consultants

A planned 1 million square foot wallboard plant was to be built on the site of a former steel mill near Pittsburgh, PA. The site was underlain by slag fill which was underlain in some areas by soft silt and clay. In addition, many of the old foundations from the former plant were still in place. Dynamic compaction was selected as the primary ground improvement technique and was performed throughout all building areas. Dynamic compaction was performed with a 15 ton weight dropped from a height of 50 feet. Wick drains were also used in portions of the site where perched water tables were present. The intent of the wick drains for this application was to drain the perched water into lower granular deposits beneath the soft silt and clay so that dynamic compaction would be more effective.
